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Claire Fisher, Boston College 2012
(Time Capsule Submission)

Quarantine Location: Hasbrouck Heights & Wood-Ridge, NJ 

April: My kitchen table became a homegrown mask-making operation, shown here with my husband tracing out pleat marks. 

August: After our predecessor left her ping-pong table in our new house, we used it as a surface to upgrade our operation - which has made 105 masks so far!

I've learned the following: 1) The definition of "lucky" can change in an instant. 2) Always introduce yourself to the neighbors - you don't know who'll check on you in an emergency! 3) If you were ever a fan of historical YA fiction (Little House on the Prairie, the American Girl books, etc.), then you were preparing to be self-reliant and creative - even if you didn't know that at the time!

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